Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Going through some older photos . . .

I came across one of this piece called Bloom.

The inspiration came from the paper on the outside.  I liked it so much that I decided that I must use it for something.  So I used it to cover this box.

These little watering cans are one of the details that I love and nearly drove me crazy.  Not only did they have to be the right size, they needed to be color coordinated.  So I painted them.  They sit on a shelf that is incorporated into the inside design.  It has to make some sort of sense.

In this detail photo you can see the watering cans through the picket fence but your eye goes to the blooming tulips in the pots.

Here is a view of the box opened.  One of the quotes reads:  For every blade of grass there is an angel whispering, grow, grow.  from The Talmud  Love that.

My goal was to make it look as if someone were watering the flower which I hope I accomplished with the filaments coming out of the watering can.  I cannot remember exactly how I did that.  The mind is a funny thing.

The flower bear's head needed to matching the flower in hue and in gradation.  That was not very difficult but making the bear a size to fit in the pot while still being a whole and complete bear that could be removed was an interesting project.

Why is it when you work on something that nearly drives you crazy, drains your brain and tests your patience is the very type of thing that once it is finished you cannot wait until you have another stretch of time to delve into something similar again?


  1. is a beautiful design, the box on the outside has a beautiful decoration, the interior is complex, and a really wonderful perfection. Beautiful and tender work.

  2. You love the challenge! And this is just the cutest piece! What a joy to see it up close and look at all the detail! Beautiful!

  3. This is fantastic, very creative, love it!

  4. Oh you have to have something to do or you will go crazy!
    This was a great one!

  5. Oh how wonderful. Its so charming, big enough for a little fairy to fit in there. I love it.

    Great job.


  6. It is so cute!I love the flower bear! he could have fitted in my new little film!
    The water cans look so tiny!


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