Sunday, October 18, 2009

We interrupt this blog for the following announcement -

Firstly, if you came by for the Halloween party, it is the post below.  You can click here to visit if you like.

Now let me put my broom away.  I have just returned from travelling all over this country and a few others for the Halloween festivities yesterday.  It was quite a trip and I am ready to sit a spell.  (Oh, forgive the pun.  It is a leftover from all the ghoulish good times.)  Whew!  Anyway . . . on with this post.

Way, way back when I started writing here, I wanted to have a gathering with all kinds of creative souls. Having just dusted the cobwebs from the Halloween celebration hosted yesterday by A Fanciful Twist, I feel like it is none too soon to put my long pondered plan into place. What is it? I am so glad you asked. It’s a tea, but not just any tea. It’s a Christmas Tea - A Christmas Tea for all the Toys.

And you are invited. Yes, you who have visited, followed, commented, read, deciphered, returned, helped, and played along with me in this space. And not only you but your friends too. I want you all to join me with your own version of something that says Christmas or tea or Christmas tea. Hopefully, some of you bear artists out there wll be happy to share some Christmas and holiday teddies and their friends. I know you guys are just oozing with creativity.  It a gathering not only for bear artists, but artists and other creative types of all kinds.  I know you are out there in blog land.  Remember, I have just been all over the world visiting with some of you.

And it’s not only for bears, of course. There are all kinds of toys out there that would love to come to a Christmas tea. A book that I return to often that inspires me is Tasha Tudor’s The Dolls’ Christmas. I can envision all sorts of things – artwork, table settings, Christmas trees, gifts and ribbons and bows and bears and dolls . . . Why I think I’ve got SugarPLUMs dancing in my head!

To explain this tea party, I’ve written a very few simple instructions.

#1 – Leave a comment below that you would like to be listed as a tea partier. Please include a link to your blog. I will have a list on my sidebar with links back to those who will be participating.

#2 – Share the details of the Christmas tea on your blog and link back to my blog or this post. Here is a Christmas tea button that is available for you to use.

#3 – On the day of the tea, December 5, 2009 be sure to post your version of a Christmas Tea for all the Toys and link back to bearbits so your guests can navigate to the other tea parties. (You can even write your post ahead of time and schedule its publication if you think you might not have enough time as the holidays approach.)

Then all you have left to do is Enjoy. Enjoy visiting the other blogs, the other bears, and the other toys. It’s a time to celebrate! Can you have too much fun?

If you would like, here is a large version of the button that you are more than welcome to use on your blog.

Boy, it sure feels good to put my feet up.  Using them for brakes on the broom can wear a girl out!  Now we return you to your regularly scheduled blog.


  1. Ohhhh...I LOVE tea...Scottish blend is my favorite I must say. I am going to have to mark my calendar! :)

  2. Yes I think I'll join you for your Christmas Tea for all the Toys! I love tea parties! Warm hugs, Esther

  3. Ginger I shall have to talk this over with the bears. You know they claim to always be busy, busy busy. Then I catch them lazing around the peanut butter jar. So I will try to round them up sticky paws and all and let you know! Sharon

  4. Hi, the bears and I would love to join you for a Christmas tea party, it sounds like a lot of fun. Hopefully once I put the banner up on my blog I will remember as we have bad memories foe special dates.

  5. Hi!!
    That great idea!
    I adore the tea party .
    The button in my blog.
    A greeting from Argentina.

    In my blog is translator.

  6. Hi, Ginger!
    My bears and I will join your Сhristmas Tea.
    Thank you for the invitation.
    What time will we start?
    Some awards for your interesting and creative blog are there:

  7. Hi Olga! I am delighted you will join us! Since the times zones are so different, I would suggest that you post when it works best for you making sure that the post will be up for people to visit when the party is on. Let me know if I can answer any more questions. I'm new at this so I'll be figuring it out as I go. I will be in touch. I will visit your blog later today. Thank you so much!!

  8. Oh YAY!!! Sign me up for Christmas Tea!!!!

  9. I recently made a dolls tea party on my blog!You are more than welcome to pop in!Iwill be pleased to organise another one for Christmas.The dolls are going to be so pleased!!!!

  10. Wow it looks like we were thinking alike on having a party! I am sure the tea will be a smashing success! Hopefully I can join in the fun. I will let you know.

    Hugs, Kelly

  11. I would love to join your tea party :)

  12. Hi Ginger,
    The bears would love to take part! Here is a link to their blogspot:-

    Looking forward to it!

  13. Hi Ginger, I would love to join in the festive fun, love to have a tea party!!!! Count me in!
    Margaret B

  14. Hello Ginger

    I don't know if I left a comment already or not but anyway I'll start again. I would love to attend your tea party and have linked you back to my blog and now I will count the days until 5th Dec ...

    Raewyn Todd

  15. I have a "critter room" full that would love to party! I will put the date on my calender.

  16. Hi Ginger! I would love to join the party. I've already posted about it and linked here and my little brain is already whirring with ideas!

  17. Well hello there ginger!

    I'm excited about your Tea Party! I found you through the Papillon Bleu UK blog link.., I also have a regular Tuesday feature all about Afternoon Tea, a blog party on my The Plumed Pen blog held each Tuesday; entitled TUESDAY TEA FOR TWO..,



    I can hardly wait!

    P.S. Maybe we can exchange links; I can take your promo buttton link and you are welcome to pop over to Silken Purse blog and take the link from the TUESDAY TEA FOR TWO picture that I posted today.., If you have any questions please email me at;

    P.P.S.~ I am planning to have a few pre- Christmas Teas at my Bed and Breakfast this year and I could share the information with these folks as well at the actual Afternoon Teas; Incidentally, we have served Afternoon Tea over the years to well over 2000 ladies;

    Whew~ no wonder I'm so tired lately!

    Cheers from Silken Purse

  18. Hi, Ginger!

    I would love to join!

    Hugs, Irene

  19. Hi Ginger! I would like to be part of the party!!! This is just my "Cup of Tea"...LOL!!! How fun and I'm so excited about it too!!! I added the link to my side bar too...Have a nice evening! Hugs, Jennifer

  20. Hi, I just found your site and would love to participate in the party.

  21. Please add my blog
    looking forward to the tea party!

  22. Brilliant idea! Once I took part in Bear in play contest and my idea was exactly same - Bears tea party.
    Is it same you mean by your idea? If so, I'll be happy to join!
    I just want to add that I have two different blogs in different languages, so even if I write you as Antonina from my Russian language blog, I'm still same person who runs the second one as well.

  23. Oh, what a lovely idea! Thank you for the invitation . . . me and my friends would love to participate! The ideas are churning already!

    I'm looking forward to tea-hopping on December 5th!

    Marigold Manor

  24. Hello, Ginger!
    I and my bears will be happy to drink a Christmas tea.
    Thank you, Olga.

  25. hi ginger
    my bears and i would love to join you for christmas tea,theres nothing better than a cup of tea!
    thank you sandra

  26. Hi Ginger, Margarita, my dolls and bears would love to share our "tea" with you, thanks, vickie

  27. Hi Ginger, The toys and I are ready for your party. We can't promise tea, but some old western fun. We can be visited here:
    Thanks for the invite

  28. I can do it! I would love to join the party...and all of my toys are excited to play! Add me to the list, please!

  29. I too would love to join you...I have my coffee in hand and I am awake...may I add your delightful header really had me smiling...sooooo imaginative...
    bless you.. ( tea later too)
    madame samm


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