Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Henry’s Book

I made a book.

I made a book about Henry and his tea party adventure.
hb_1It was a wild notion that came to me when I realized that anyone can create their own book.


It was both easier than I thought and more difficult than I had expected. All you really need is a desire to do it. That’s the easy part. I just up and decided that I wanted to give it a shot. In this case, making the decision was a no-brainer, as in I have no brain?

Then I got sort of excited by the prospect of seeing my photos and story printed and bound in a somewhat sophisticated way so I plunged ahead. That was fairly easy too. You don’t think too much about it or you will never get past the idea. I didn’t slow down even a smidge.

The hard part was designing it. Not because of the limitations, but because there were no limitations. If you have an idea, a plan, or a design, as long as you can sort it out yourself, you can see it in print.


The world is your oyster. I had to keep in mind in that if I got too elaborate and spent loads of time on minute details, I might never come unglued from my computer chair. That would be a problem not only for me but for the dog who likes to be let out occasionally and the husband who would probably appreciate being able to check his email more than once every six weeks.


After sorting through all my ideas and putting them together in a file, I sent it in. Just. Like. That. The delivery guy just recently left the printed book on my porch. Do you think we could wait to open the box and see what it looked like? I say we because well, I did need some good computer geek help every once in a while during the effort.

We were pleasantly surprised when we flipped through the pages. The paper feels nice –a good quality – and the printing - superb. It’s all done digitally and costs a small fortune. Therefore, I won’t be giving up the oodles and oodles of income from the bears just yet. ;-P

I have a few copies of the paperback version available and might take them along with me to my first bear show of the year in March. There is a hardback version too. The cover is the only difference between the two. I’ve added a badge to my sidebar that links to the page where my book, Henry’s Invitation, is available. There you can also see a preview of a few of the pages.

I want to return to the pattern I have for Henry and see if I can make him some friends. I’ll just add that to my list of things I want to do. With that in mind, I had better get back to my sewing. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Congrats on the book, Ginger. It's never easy to do a book and you made it. Happy for Henry too. Now the world's going to meet Henry.

  2. Me ha encantado la idea y el resultado, es Genial!!!!!!, te felicito. He tenido un problema que no se donde verlo con mas detalles.besitos ascension

  3. Congratulations on your venture. Henry's story was begging to be made into a book, it was so thought out and wonderful. Now you have to figure out how to get it into the hands of children, I think young ones would really love the sweet story.

  4. I've always wanted to make one of these! How exciting! XD

    Hmm, and how fantastic to have your own, personally made coffee table literature.

    I wonder if the other bears will get jealous that they aren't published. *ponders*

  5. Woh! How wonderful! Wishing you every success, Ginger!

  6. Congrats on the book. I was planning on writing a children's book. You have inspired me!

  7. Oh Ginger! How very exciting! I do so love your sweet Henry! And you are the best story teller so I know it is awesome!! I am glad you enjoyed your experience!
    Hugs, Lisa

  8. Ginger, it's PERFECT!!! My "personal photographer" made a book of our youngest daughter's dance recital with Blurb. It turned out absolutely beautiful. I especially like the feel of the premium paper. How wonderful! I wish I could see your book in person. Ohhhhh...I just had an idea...maybe you could bring some copies when you go to the TBAI.
    Heaps of Hugs,

  9. I love your book and Henry too...he's a real sweetheart...what a wonderful story teller you are! Congratulations !

  10. Such a Beautiful book Ginger!!! Am sure lots of people will treasure this for many many years to come!! :D


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