Thursday, February 11, 2010

A few grins in February.

Thank you all for your comments on yesterday’s post about Henry’s book. Anyone who has a notion to see their own words or photos or drawings etc in print can do the same. It can be as easy or as complicated as you want to make it. Why I think even the bears could do it!

Today I thought I would show you Eeyore revived. You might remember an earlier post about poor little Eeyore from my youth. He was ‘flatter than a pancake’ due to old foam stuffing which had deteriorated so much that Eeyore lay nearly lifeless on his side.

I undid the stitching on his back and my, oh my, what a mess! Crumbly, dusty, and yucky foam dust was in his legs and torso. His head and neck were mercifully filled with excelsior which was still holding up pretty well.

Cleaning out his innards was the messiest part but I do think I heard a distinct sigh of relief even before I had refilled him with some new and clean stuffing. When I completed the operation, he didn’t even go through an extended recovery. He was romping around the house like a young donkey as if the intervening years of wasting away had never happened.

Here he is reinvigorated. Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like his smile is just a little bit broader now.

Those of you who I have come to know through blogging have brought many smiles my way over the last year or so. I want to say Thank You for all the grins!



  1. He is adorable and looks so happy!

  2. This guy is just too adorable... I LOVE his shaggy hair! I'm glad he's feeling chipper again... hopefully he can keep up with the teddies!

  3. I love this little donkey. I can certainly see why he is so treasured. He is just adorable.

  4. How cute! He is definitely happier now and more energetic! heehee! ♥

  5. He's lovely and well worth all your efforts.

  6. He looks so pleased! Could hear his sigh all the way over here. I'm sure the bears will enjoy his company.

  7. He certainly has a sweet look in his eye.
    Mama Bear

  8. How cute is HE?!!! He does look like he's feeling as fit as a fiddle and ready for a romp. What a happy camper!


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