Tuesday, November 8, 2011


We took a short break from the preparations for the teddy bear show this coming weekend and went on a search which turned into an odyssey of sorts.

We headed down this trail hoping it would take us back to the past. We weren’t even certain it was the right trail – after all it has been a long time since we were sixteen.


You see, love makes you do silly things – especially when you are young. We decided to see if we could find the tree from a long ago memory. One like this.


If we found it, it would read GT + JB but more like this:


It seemed like a promise to the future; that we might return some day and look at it and smile. Of course we would be able to find it – in the future.  We crossed this stream. Look at that funky tree in the forest. It was the first of many.


There were lots of trees that had fallen over time.


Let’s take a closer look at this one. What is that?


Oh, it’s Sebastian - taking a break from this crazy odyssey. Yeah, I don’t think he was doing much hiking. It was more likely he was wondering why we didn’t bring any cookies along. I was thinking the same thing!


These two trees have spent years together.


And check out who is taking yet another undeserved break.


We came across another initial tree but it did not seem familiar.


We also stopped to try and figure out how this tree ended up growing like this.


When we got to the dam, we decided it was time to give up the search.


If we had found the tree from long ago right when we started, we would have missed all these forest treasures. We would have missed our odyssey. Maybe we’ll find that tree someday – or maybe not.


  1. Beautiful tree pics, thanks for sharing. Look forward to seeing you in Feb in London.

  2. Sounds like a good reason to return and explore some more, but Next time with a picnic! I see Sebastian shares Jack's 'Are we nearly there yet' tendencies too ;o)

  3. The photos are wonderful. It was almost like taking the hike in the woods only better since I was sitting comfortably and enjoying my cuppa. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Oh come now, bear breaks are *always* deserved... they work so hard to stay cute and fluffy XD

  5. When you find it you can add Sebastian's name to it. No cookies what were you thinking girl. That little bear puts up with a lot. :-)

  6. Sebastian, what on earth was your mother thinking!!!! NO biscuits.
    I bet your little toes were sore from all that hiking. Did you dangle your toes in that big dam of water?
    Next time raid the pantry before you go.........


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