Wednesday, November 9, 2011

This is not really a test.

A test means there will be a grade at the end – and that might take the fun out of this post. Just a couple of questions for you . . .

Remember this bear head in progress from a couple of posts back?


And from even further back, this photo of a couple of unfinished boots on a hat rack?


Stick with me. It will all make sense eventually.

The boots begin life like this.


They are made from paper maché – I didn’t make them though. I bought them this way. But as you can see they definitely need some work at this point. Mainly, it’s that they do not stand up straight. That takes a bit of effort and patience after which comes the painting and finishing.

Next you will see that I have given the little bear his body, arms and legs and he looks like this now.


If you take one small bear and one small boot, what do you get? (No grades remember?)

You get a bear that fits right inside ol’ Santa’s boot.


He can stand in his boot while the boot sits on a table all festive-like for the holidays, welcoming every visitor and keeping an eye open for Santa. (Let’s just hope Santa comes to leave presents and is not in search of a missing boot.)



  1. What a beautiful sight to see what he has become sweet. Yes the bite sweet, which one would like to cuddle immediately. Congratulations on this wonderful sweet nature. With such a teddy bear in the boot, will be determined lovely Christmas.

    - Dirk -

  2. a very good idea and very sweet couple :)

    Huggs from Lithuania,

  3. awwww he has such an adorable face :) and love how you have done those boots :) love mouse xxxx

  4. wow .. the kid in Santa boots, let us hope that he will give all the presents.

  5. Your little bear is just wonderful. I was beginning to wonder what happened to that head. He looks quite at home in that boot. I'm sure he will welcome every one.

  6. Hi Miss Ginger,

    Adorable. Maybe Sebastian can climb in the other boot. (o:


  7. Aww, I'm sure he'll get so many pressies he'll get popped right out of his boot!

    Thanks for another Johnny Depp moment at the top though ;o)

  8. Sweet. I have some Santa boots from when I was a little girl and they come out and are put on the table every year. This is a great idea but I need the little bear...

  9. The little bear in the boot is adorable. He's got such a sweet face and the red & white striped ribbon along with the red & white boot is a very festive combination.

  10. Oh, look at his face! And that adorable bow... TOO cute!!!

  11. Oh how sweet! I had really no idea yo were going that way with the boots. They are just great.

  12. awwwww I wish I was talented enough to make bears lol I love this idea so much!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does your little bear have a name yet?

  13. Oh he is adorable!! Great idea with the boots. :) A perfect little Christmas bear!

  14. Brilliant bear-and-boot project! I think Santa is going to come for both. LOL


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