Friday, June 14, 2013

Book Fairy Info and Question

Firstly, let me say a huge thank you to all of you who commented or inquired about The Book Fairy. I am glad that she has been greeted with such enthusiasm!

I also thought I would reply to a few of the comments here since some were so inventive. Like for instance, Kay from Kays Kids wondered if bookworms turn into book fairies. That is a very good question and one I wish I had thought of myself. It does seem like it should be so.

The Book Fairy under construction

And in answer to Kristi’s question, “Is it for me?” No and yes. You see creating these pieces and bears and their friends in general is something I do “for me” and part of the fun, for me, is putting my work out there and hope that someone (or two) will enjoy my vision. My pleasure comes from the dreaming and the making. Oh so much delightful fun!

include in the library – from my great aunt’s collection

Having said that, most everything I make is for someone else whether I know who to begin with or not. This piece was long in materializing but quickly found a new home. So if you see something here on bearbits that interests you, do not hesitate to ask if it is available. It never hurts to ask.

The Book Fairy under construction

Now and then if I dither too long on whether to keep a piece for myself or not, there is some risk that it will become a fixture around here and while that would be nice, I feel I must move on. I dare say I won’t live long enough to make everything in my idea book as it is much less having a proper place for it.

Checking size relationships

I suppose the short answer (“Now you tell us,” you are probably saying to yourself.) is that I was going to make it available when an inquiry came along. The Book Fairy is now happily journeying to her new home.

The Book Fairy light’s battery pack

One of the things I wanted to do with The Book Fairy was to offer the recipient the opportunity to have 2-3 of their favorite books included in the library. The person who adopted The Book Fairy requested On Beyond Zebra by Dr. Suess, Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein and The Velveteen Rabbit by MargeryWilliams.

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That brings me to the question that I was referring to in the title to this post. And I am asking because I have a real affection for books, especially children’s books and I am just generally curious because you all seem to be such interesting people. I always learn something. The question is this: If you had the opportunity to request 3 such books, what would they be?

I asked myself this question and it was difficult. Because I created it, I already included some of my favorites, like Pete & Pickles and The Secret Garden. I had to think, think, think. I decided on Toot & Puddle, Hug Time and The Polar Express. Tomorrow I will think of another one and change my mind, but that’s okay.

bfiaq_9    bfiaq_10     bfiaq_11

Until then, I am about halfway through a mystery and I think I will spend a little while this Friday evening reading and trying to figure out whodunit.



  1. Awww I missed my chance with the book fairy! Oh we'll maybe next time! I like the idea that book worms turn into book fairies :) my 3 books would be the magic faraway tree by Enid blyton, Winnie the Pooh and Thomas the tank engine :) all three have special places in my heart from my childhood :)

  2. Hi Fiona,

    I can't believe I've never heard or read The Magic Faraway Tree. I think I am going to have find a copy and ready it. The other two I know of course. Thanks for sharing your faves! I'm learning something new!


  3. I'm glad you showed us the pictures, because it is such an amazing project! I'm glad the little fairy bear and her library found a great home. :) The question of books is a hard one... I would probably choose The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare, the Happy Hollisters by Jerry West, and What Could be Keeping Santa by Marilyn Janovitz. But like you, I think I will change my mind tomorrow! ;)

    1. Hi K. Joy,

      I'm glad you enjoyed seeing the photos. I too enjoy seeing how other people put things together. It's always interesting to me. I am embarrassed to say that I have not heard of or read any of those books. I am going to have some serious reading ahead of me for sure. Serious and fun! Thanks for passing along your favorites!


  4. This is lovely! I love scenes like this =) Very creative and fun. Hannah

  5. The roombox made with books is fantastic!

  6. Oh, Ginger you are a master piece. Keep dreaming up your next creative adventure.

  7. Great question. I love books. I love Children's books and buy way too many which catch my eye. Sometimes I pass them on after I've read them but often they find a home here. Any books about bears catch my eye, Corduroy Bear, Little Bear, Pooh, any of those......but if I were to choose favorites for a project such as yours, I'd include Little House by Virginia Lee Burton. When I was taking my writing course, the instructor commented on one of my stories saying a story couldn't be about an inanimate object, to which I steered her to this little book about a house....There would have to be a book about a bear, possible Pooh.....and A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'engle.
    I've been MIL for a while and need to catch up on this project. It sure intrigued me.
    Mama Bear

  8. Oh my, well I guess it would have to be Ramona The Pest (upon whom I modelled myself ;o) ), The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Curious George. Come to think of it, I might have modelled myself on all of these characters... ;o)

    Love all the behind the scenes pics


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