Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Book Fairy

The working title for this project was The Book Project so I could talk about it but not give anything away. Now that it is finished and I have photos to share, I can very well call it by its proper name. That would be The Book Fairy.

Let me introduce you to The Book Fairy herself. Here she is in her element – deeply engrossed in a book on butterflies.

If you’ll notice, the books in her world are quite magical as the subject matter often jumps right off the page!

Now she has turned her attention to a book on dinosaurs and in so doing we get a glimpse of her wings.

They are paper wings befitting a book fairy that are snippets of pages from a book.


The book room is filled top to bottom with books. They are stacked on the floor, on the shelves and leaning against the walls.


Speaking of walls, as you can see, the walls are covered in pages from books.


It’s like an itty bitty library. Where is this library?  Where else would a fairy find one except in a set of books?

The very same books that are on the second shelf from the top. How did she do that?!

The book fairy reads as much as she can and often into the wee hours of the night.

That’s why there’s a light that casts the whole room in a cozy glow.

↑↑↑ (click to view larger) ↑↑↑

Let’s leave her to her reading, shall we?



  1. Oh. My. That is TOO cute, and just amazing all put together! She is so cute and looks so happy with her little library. I bet she enjoys all of her books coming to life. :)

  2. oh Wow! that is fantastic!. Much work, but very much art and craft. A very good implementation of your vision.
    I'll bet Sebastian enjoys visiting the library too.

  3. This is so fantastic! I would love to climb inside and read!
    You have so much imagination and creativity! Everything is absolutely perfect!
    Hugs and greetings, Conni

  4. Oh Ginger how special your fairy library is. I could poke around in that room for ages.
    I am wondering if book worms turn into book fairy's.

  5. que bonita escena , y muy original



  6. Oh , wow. Totally gorgeous .X

  7. ginger there are no words to describe how wonderful this is! I love it. Xx

  8. Absolutely fantastic Ginger! Oh, lucky person to have this in their library!

  9. Miss Ginger, you have out done yourself with The Book Fairy, it is brilliant!

    We LOVE it.

    Heaps of Hugs
    Prudence ♥

  10. A little slice of Heaven.... right here on earth! Love the whole scene, from the books to the fairy....delightful!

  11. Your book fairy is absolutely gorgeous... Utterly adorable :)

  12. SO WONDERFUL Ginger! All the elements work so well for your newest bearllage *bear + collage* :) I am a serious book fiend, I would love to have this for my collection. Best, Ani

  13. Absolutely perfect! She would fit right in with this book loving family!

  14. I love this newest 'bearllage' (bear+collage) Ginger, it is too perfect! I am a huge bookophile, so really fits me. Would love
    To have this in my collection! Best, Ani

  15. this is brilliant Ginger - love the book room and the bookfairy ofcourse. I just can´t imagine all those hours that have gone into this project. How awesome

  16. So Precious and Wonderful! I love all of this! From the sweet fairy to the books and the light you have put in her cozy little world for her. Amazing work and imagination you have put into this. (Is it for you? ie. How could you "bear" to part with her? or for someone else or will it be for sale?) Thank you for continuing to share your awesome gifts with all of us out here in your blogland. Your posts always make me smile. :)

  17. ginger, she is the cutest book fairy I have ever seen. And I like where she has choosen to read.

  18. Oh, my goodness, Ginger!!! You have totally outdone yourself!!! This is absolutely beyond wonderful!!! I've been off the Internet for over a week and this is a joy to see as I return!!


  19. If I were a bear, that is probably where I would be........
    Mama Bear


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