Saturday, October 5, 2013

Journey to Oz – Part 1

Sebastian and I are going to share the writing of these next few posts. He wanted me to take the first turn so here I am. This is our Journey to Oz.


Of course, Sebastian was front and center all the way – navigating and alerting us to each and every hairpin ahead. We were excited that the weather was cooperative thus far. Not a tornado in sight!


We traveled along the Blue Ridge Parkway where we were awed by some amazing views. I have never seen Sebastian so quietly contemplative as when we were looking at the vast mountain scenery.


“So this is the way to Oz?” he asked.
“Yes, this is the way to Oz” I replied.
“It’s a twisty road, isn’t it?”
“Yes, Sebastian. It’s very twisty. Very twisty indeed.”


We stopped at this roadside market to take a picture


or two


and to get some NC Mountain apples to eat along the way. It’s a long way to Oz and apples seemed fitting since Dorothy wanted to eat an apple on her way to Oz too.


“It seems like it takes a long time to get to there” Sebastian declared.
“Yes, Sebastian. It does take a long time. It’s taken me years just to get on the road to Oz.”
”I’m not sure what that means.”
”It’s okay Sebastian.  Just hang in there.  We’ll be there soon.”

To be continued next time when Sebastian will take up the story in Part 2.


  1. Sebastian you might see that scare crow and the lion and the tin Man.... oh how lucky will you be if you get there.

    1. Hi Wilbur,

      Yes, I might see them! And if I do I will tell them all about my good friends like you!


  2. Bee-u-tee-ful mountains. We didn't have enough time when we were in Weaverville to drive along on the Blue Ridge Parkway but Mom says we
    will have plenty of time once we move. Can't wait!

    Heaps of Hugs
    Prudence ♥

    1. Hi Prudence,

      Yes, they are quite beautiful! I think you will enjoy a lovely life in the mountains. They have bears there you know!


  3. HI Seb,
    It looks like you're having fun on the road again. Oz? Alan says in this country Oz means the place where Wilbur lives, but he thinks you mean Oz where the Munchkins live.
    Well, I would watch out for any twisters, though I think that your hat will help there. Has Ginger got her red twinkly shoes on?
    You'll really know when you're getting there when the yellow brick road appears. Just follow that, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the hello brick road. It would be fun in your Mini or on my motor bike.
    Have fun,

    1. Hi Jock,

      Yes, I'm back on a brief journey to Oz and yes, not the Oz where Wilbur lives but the Oz where the wizard lives. I will watch for twisters. Thank you for the warning.

      No, I don't think she has any twinkly shoes. There used to be some around here but I don't think her foot was ever small enough to fit in them.

      I am on the look out for the yellow brick road. Oh! You are so right - the mini would be fun to drive on it or your motor bike! We should make a plan to go together!


  4. Well, this is exciting! But I hope the trees haven't peaked in color yet as my vacation is still 2 weeks away.....heading your way soon.
    Mama Bear

    1. Hi Mama Bear,

      I think you will probably see lots of color in two weeks. The colors are beginning to change at the higher elevations so your timing is probably spot on! Have fun!


  5. I feel like I might have been on this road?! Maybe I'll know for sure once you get where your going! xx

    1. Hi Elanor,

      A little bit of déjà vu? You probably have been on this road - maybe even these very spots!


  6. I do hope there was lots of singing about being off to see the Wizard going on on this road trip...




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