Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Loving Makeovers

Let’s face it. When you go into the shops scouring the aisles for just the right thing in the right color in the right size, you often come up empty handed. I can’t tell you how many times this has happened to me. Often it is the impetus for innovation. I’m not talking about clothes or cosmetics. No. I’m talking crafts.


With my current project I needed pumpkins but after going on a hunt – well, see the above paragraph. But as the old saying goes, where there’s a will, there’s a way. For the first of several makeovers, I began with pumpkins like this.


Then I started altering them.  At this stage it helps a lot to know where you are going, otherwise you start to wonder what you have gotten yourself into.

It is a sticky situation.  Literally – sticky.  Also it can be tedious, but I let my mind wander and that can be quite entertaining.

After this stage comes the painting.  Pumpkin after pumpkin after pumpkin.  But that’s when there’s a bit of a reward – kind of like someone telling you if you finish your homework you can have some milk and cookies.


Here’s another example of a makeover.  I started with this:

Made a few changes – turning it from a candle-looking like thing into something that more resembles a jack-o-lantern. There is a good reason for the paint splotches but that’s a story for another day.

Here’s a photo of the painting underway.

This photo shows it mostly complete.  At least enough for you to get the idea of the finished look.


That’s what I have been up to. That a whole bunch of other stuff – like peeling glue off my fingers, washing paint brushes and oh yeah, having tea and cookies.  Thanks Dad!

See ya’ next time,



  1. a veces lo mejor es no buscar algo en concreto , sino lanzarse a la aventura del a ver que encuentro que me sirva , sino siempre nos queda lo que has hecho , adaptarlo
    has hecho un gran trabajo con esas calabazas



    1. Hi Mari,

      I think you are absolutely correct! It probably works out better in the end anyway - you get almost exactly what you want rather than settling for something just a little bit less.

      Thanks so much!

  2. Pumpkins are breeding well at your home. No bad ones None too green all just perfect. Hugs

    1. Hi Kay,

      As we say in the South, ain't you sweet! Thanks so much! I think I'll take your assessment and run with it. It's much better than my analyzing whether I could have done better because I almost always think so.


  3. I always love seeing your projects! The jack-o-lantern is looking good. :) Love its smile!!

    1. Hi K. Joy,

      Thanks so much! I appreciate your reading and your comment1


  4. Totally know that not finding what you're looking for thing, such a PITA! You made a great job of what you could find though :o)

    1. Hi Katy,

      Hmmm. Not sure if your knowing the dilemma I find myself in is a good thing or not. At least - we in there together!



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