Friday, May 9, 2014

Three Days in Philadelphia – Part 3

Now it’s time for the last of my Philadelphia photos. There were over 125 artists tables at the show. Needless to say, I did not photograph each one. The following photos are a few that I took to give you an idea of what caught my eye at the show. If this is interesting to you at all, you might want to consider coming to the show next year. There are some incredibly talented people in the world and quite a few of them gather in Philadelphia at the beginning of May!

First a shot of part of the showroom. This was taken about two rows short of the entire room. There were other tables as well that are not in this room. Oh to be a shopper here!

The following two photos are of a neighboring table. Tamara Pivnyuk has been making dolls for a mere seven years and traveled from the Ukraine to exhibit. She won an award for her amazing work.

Below a glimpse of Judy Mathis’ table.

Judith Eppolito’s table – (L-o-o-o-v-v-v-v-e-e-e).

and a close-up.  This guy must have been about 5 inches or so.  Cute!

Maureen Carroll’s Twisted Wickets


JoAnne O’Hanlon of Bear My Sole came from Arizona (next 2 photos)

After the show, we decided we wouldn’t be very good tourists if we didn’t have at least one “made in Philadelphia” Philly Cheesesteak so we gathered up one of our best friends and made the trek to Geno’s Steaks.  I could probably do that again sometime!

If you haven’t figured it out by now, when we travel we like to search out the unusual or quirky.  And some might say we’re nuts.  We can live with that.  Below you will see the World’s Largest Clothespin.  Yes, it resides in Philadelphia.  “Why?” you might ask and I would have to reply, “I have no earthly idea.”

Another building with a huge mural.  Wouldn’t it have been fun to watch them paint this?

. . . and another one.  Just a few of many we saw.

We felt lucky to have such beautiful weather while we were there so we could get out and see some of Philadelphia.  Now we have more things to add to our bucket list since we only scratched the surface of all there is to see there.  When we returned home, we were greeted by these lovely blooms.


Until next time,



  1. Thank you so much Ginger for showing us more pictures of wonderful artists. We still have not seen your stall?????
    HUgs Kay

    1. Hi Kay,

      I have a photo of it I'm sure. So many to go through and choose from I thought you might enjoy a variety!

      Since you noticed maybe I should ferret it out!


  2. But, but, LT says you missed the broken button! It was her favourite thing to climb on as a little girl.

    We loved catching up on your trip to Philly, and we hope lots of the hug went home to new families.


    Jack, Boo & The Clan

    1. Well guys we are severely disappointed not to have seen that! I guess we'll just have to go back and try to see more stuff. If it had been on our list you know we would have stopped. We love stuff like that! Next time guys!

      Thanks for the heads up!

      ~ ginger


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