Sunday, May 11, 2014

WISH – my bears&boxes gallery piece

This piece began as an unfinished box – no paint, no finish, no details. The first thing I did was to gesso the entire piece. Then I added some texture in the form of these swirls.

I had done this technique on a previous box but wanted to see if I would be happy with a more definite design.

I oriented the letters vertically – it seemed like a good choice for the space.

Then I softened and blended them into the rest of the design by adding some tissue paper.

Next it was time to paint. The first coat was a very pale blue.

Here you can see the paint shows some of the texture.

These next two photos you can see the progression of different applications of paint. One the left you see the first layer and on the right you see the second. Then the second to the third. Painting a box is a little nerve wracking for me because I have an idea but I never know if it will turn out like I plan.


Some of it is quite subtle so you might not be able to see the change from one stage to the next.

Here’s a shot of the side – I took this one because the texture and the colors show up fairly well – maybe not entirely accurately on a computer though.

After adding the quote transfers to the edges of the box, I lined it with a swirly paper. Funnily enough, I had had this paper for quite some time just waiting for the right project to come along. I liked it before I used it but I liked it even better after I found where it was going to go.

These are shelves – each one with its own purpose.

Photos of some of the details under way. Mostly of things being painted like little round wood pieces that will be stands.

Lots and l0ts of stars painted silver, gold and copper.

And clear glass balls dyed.

Repositories for all the different items that will be inside – created and collected so they don’t fall off the desk and onto the floor. Not sorted by type though – I couldn’t be that organized!

Finally the front of the finished box. The color is quite a bit more subtle than it seems in this photo. If you click on these last few photos they will show up a little larger.


The back.


The left side with genie lamps, dandelions in bottles, genie bottles, bubbles, “WISH” tickets, pennies and wishing dust. Just a few options for making a wish!


The right side with birthday candles, wishbones, feathers, stars and wishing well buckets. And the bear I also named “WISH”.


Here’s a photo of the entire piece. So many things about this piece I enjoyed creating but the tiny tickets are probably my favorite.


Hold your breath. Make a wish. Count to three.



  1. Marvellous work Ginger! Your skill and patience is amazing and your little bear is just beautiful. xx

  2. Sebastian I know my wish will come true. I wished so hard, just like you said.
    We love all the bottles and potions.
    Hugs Wilbur

    1. Hi Wilbur,

      Sebastian says to tell you he hopes your wish comes true! Glad you like the bottles and potions - they were fun to make!


  3. Stunning.

    Oh Miss Ginger, I say "bee-u-tee-ful".

    Prudence ♥

    1. Hi Prudence,

      Thank you you sweet little bear you!


  4. Always amazed on how clever you are! Read your posts usually do not comment

    1. Hi Roberta,

      Thanks for that - I'm grateful! Thanks for reading!


  5. Oh, Ginger! "Wish" is absolutely, positively what I would wish for! It's just perfect!! I bet it flew off your table in Philly.


    1. Hi Cheryl,

      Thank you so much! I hope to see you at TBAI!


  6. Love it....Love it! I had to click on the pics to get a bigger view of all of the goodies. Just as cute as can be!

    1. Hi Jeanie,

      Thank you very much! I am thrilled by your enthusiasm. It's much like when I was making it!


  7. If I had a wish.... I'd wish for some floo powder so we could visit each other whenever we liked ;0) I love this piece xx

    1. If the WISH tickets (or anything else) worked, I'd send you 100!

      I'm so glad you like it!



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