Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Trying to Start 2012 Right

Here we are at the start of a brand new year and I want to do it right. Or as right as possible. Therefore, I will begin by thanking you for reading and making blogging so much fun. After all, if you weren’t there, I might as well write these crazy things on paper and put them in a drawer.


Then I’d have a crowded drawer and I’d have to make some sort of resolution to clean it out. Where in the world would I start? So you see, just by being there you are a tremendously huge help. No telling how many drawers you have helped free up around here!


Also, thanks so much for all the wonderful wishes from the last post. In addition, if you followed the tiny mocha post, just so you know, the following evening Daniel won the local Throwdown. But since you already know how really good he is at the art part of barista-ing, you aren’t surprised are you?


Now what kinds of things would you like to see on bearbits the coming year? When I looked back through the year’s photos, I was surprised at the twists and turns – who knew the directions it would take? Perhaps this year will be the same: some things expected and some surprises. I am open to new adventures – all good I hope!


Over the past few days, I have managed to check a few things off my list. One was to dye some fabrics to give myself some options – options on bears in new colors and fairy bears in new colors. I just love a new beginning. So many ideas and 362 days to go.


A reminder about my giveaway: Time’s a-tickin’ but there still is some, so drop on by and sign up if you are inclined. Just a little over two weeks left.



  1. Hi Ginger, wow you have so many different mohair colours and they make me drool! LOL.

    Happy New Year to you and I wish you success for the year 2012!


  2. ohh well done to Daniel :) ooooo loving those new colours and thoughts of new bears .... and I love popping in to see what adventures you have all been up too :) love mouse xxxxx

  3. Hi Miss Ginger,

    What dreamy colors of mohair. Hmm, now remember I am a teddy bear so what I am about to say is strictly to my own liking.

    What would I like to see at bearbits? Why, of course, MORE SEBASTIAN postings. Maybe like what I do - Funny Friday, or Furry Friday. (o:

    Well, you asked!!! Giggle. Gotta love me, right? Huh? Well, do ya?

    Heaps of Hugs

  4. Look at all that scrumptious mohair and food!!!!

    Sounds like you are off to a wonderful start for 2012..I've the same hopes, dreams and goals!!!


  5. Oooh, we're loving the colours, can't wait to see what surfaces here!


    Jack and The Clan

  6. Is your first pic viscose? And if it is where did you purchase it? I have been looking for some, thanks, so enjoy your blog.

  7. I don't know what is making my mouth water more, the fabrics or the food, both look delicious.

  8. Oh, wonderful colours!
    Best start to new bears!
    Greetings, Conni

  9. Esas telas se van a convertir en preciosos trabajos, que estoy deseando ver.
    Maravillosos colores para alegrar el año que empieza.
    besitos ascension

  10. The new hand-dyed colors are gorgeous, Ginger, but the frosting on that cake looks really good enough to eat! :O) Hugs, Janice

  11. Hi Ginger
    Wishing you all the best for 2012.
    All that beautiful fabric, lots of ideas for Hugglets? Look forward to seeing you there.

  12. I see some good easter/spring things in the colors you have here. Really great things, chicks, ducks, eggs, bears, I like the colors!
    Hugs, Lisa

  13. the newly dyed mohair look "yummy". i'm looking forward to seeing your new creations, of course.

    on another note, would doing any bear making tricks/tutorials be on your list-to-do? ;p

  14. Happy 2012 to someone who's blog I can't wait to read! What do I want to see more of in 2012? Whatever you have to offer... you have one of the best blogs out there and I can't thank you enough for the constant joy it brings to this household!

  15. @ Wayne - Hi Wayne! Happy 2012 to you too. Yes! Colors!

    @ Mouse - Glad you like the colors. I hope you like what becomes of them too. You are always welcome here. We love your visits.

    @ Prudence - Your suggestions are well noted. Sebastian says to tell you he is working on it - or me - as the case may be.

    @ Doreen - Here's to a wonderful 2012! Let's see what happens!

    @ Katy - I'm not surprised you like the colors - you're a very colorful and color-minded creator.

    @ Judy - Yes! Good eye. That is viscose. Try anyone who supplies Schulte mohair. I'll email you with details.

    @ Joanne - The food was delicious. The fabrics: I'm glad you like them!

    @ Conni - Thanks Conni! We'll be steeling our nerves to cut into these fabrics soon.

    @ Ascension - Not quite the same as the miniature work you do but perhaps the colors will warm our spirits when it is cold outside.

    @ Janice - The cake (& frosting) was delicious even if I did have to share! I'm glad you like the colors!

    @ Wendy - Yes - lots of ideas but who knows how far I'll get. Hugglets will be here before we know it!

    @ Lisa - You have lots of good ideas for Spring. You're ahead of me - but maybe I'll get something cheerful made from these fabrics.

    @ Val - Aren't you sweet! I do hope the finished bears (and friends) are as yummy as the uncut fur. Let me think on the tricks and tutorials. There are so many artists out there who do such a fine job I'd want to offer something worthwhile. Suggestions?

    @ Heather - Heather, you have just made my entire year and it's just begun. Thanks for being there and reading and visiting! Now what can I do the rest of the 360 some odd days? Oh, right. I'll read your comment again! And again! And again!


We appreciate your comments so much and love reading them! Thank you for visiting bearbits!